Friday, 20 April 2012

Workout Plans: Shoulders 2

Shoulders are an often overlooked and undertrained bodypart. Many beginning weight lifters rate the chest, back, and arm musclesas being the most desirable and important to train. However, well-developedshoulders will make you appear broader, and help you achieve that v-taper thateveryone is striving for. It also doesn’t hurt that building stronger shoulderswill help your other lifts (such as bench presses), and may prevent possibleinjury on heavier lifting days.

Try this shoulder workout this week.

Warm up: 5 minutes on exercise bike, skipping, or treadmill

1. Seated Dumbbell Shoulder Press:

· 5 pyramid sets (increasing weight, decreasingreps) – 12, 10, 8, 6, 4

2. Dumbbell Side Lateral Raises:
· 4 sets of 8-10 reps
superset with…

2. Dumbbell Front Raises:
· 4 sets of 8-10

3. Face Pulls (with rope attachment):
· 4 sets of 8-12 reps
superset with…

3. Cable Side Lateral Raises
· 4 sets of 8-12 reps

4. Barbell Upright Rows
· 3 sets of 8-12
superset with...

4. Barbell Shrugs
· 3 sets of 8-10 (hold for 4 seconds at the top ofeach shrug)

Tip: On side lateral raises, feel as though you’re raisingwith your elbows first. Do NOT lift from your hands. Also, throughout thisworkout, take 1 second to lift the weight, but 4 seconds to bring the weightback down. Controlled negatives can really boost muscle growth.

Have a great workout. Make sure to immediately follow thisworkout with a shake containing 25-50 grams of protein, as well as someglutamine and creatine to help boost recovery. Go get it!

Visit our website at www.completenutritioncanada.comfor more information and access to our online health supplement store!

Saturday, 14 April 2012

Top 5 Supplements for Accelerating Muscle Gain

There really is no easy way to build muscle and shed pounds. Quick fixes simply do NOT exist.  It is going to take hard work in the gym and dedication to a dietary routine outside of the gym to produce noticeable changes in your physique. However, the following 5 supplements have been scientifically proven to increase the rate at which you build muscle, which can help fast-track you for success.

More muscle = more calories consumed = less fat = better physique. Now that is the kind of math we like to see!

If you take a quick look at the products we offer in our online store, you will notice hundreds of products that can help boost athletic performance, build lean muscle, and burn fat. These supplements are extremely effective in helping you achieve your goals, but these 5 are a must if you want to get on the express lane towards a fitter and healthier body.

1.       Creatine

Creatine is possibly the most studied supplement for athletic performance. It is a naturally occurring substance in our muscles that we typically get from animal protein sources such as lean beef. Its major benefit for training is increases in cellular energy production. This is ideal for strong bursts of energy required by many athletes and weight lifters. It promotes fast gains of lean muscle mass, and also helps with recovery and performance.

Recommended Dose: Take 5 grams daily pre- or post-workout. Some athletes prefer a loading phase, in which 10 grams are taken daily for a week, and then the maintenance phase consists of 5 gram doses for a prolonged period of time. This maximizes muscle creatine concentrations and maintains them at a high level.

Recommended Product: More Information

Allmax Creatine Monohydrate. Very high-grade, easy to mix, and high overall quality. Canadian brand.

2.       Whey Protein

Whey protein is absolutely necessary for athletes, bodybuilders, and anybody undergoing a physically demanding training regimen. It supplies the body with fast-digesting protein, calcium, magnesium, and other minerals that are essential to recovery and building new muscle tissue. Whey protein supplementation can benefit both muscle building, and fat loss goals. Key benefits include improved muscle repair, easily digested, natural appetite suppressant, provides amino acids to assist in protein synthesis, and improving metabolism.

Recommended Dose: Consume 1 scoop (25-35 grams) both pre- and post-workout. On days when you’re not working out, consume 1 scoop in the morning and you will benefit from the appetite supressing and metabolism boosting effects. Make sure you have adequate sources of protein in whole food sources, such as chicken, in your diet as well.

Recommended Product: More Information
Ultimate Nutrition Prostar 100% Whey. High in protein, low in carbohydrates and fats, and relatively inexpensive.

3.       Glutamine

Glutamine has been proven to slow the breakdown of muscle tissue during intense physical activity, such as resistance training. Slower muscle breakdown means that strength and endurance are maintained throughout your workout, allowing you to train harder for longer. Extending your training sessions at maximum capacity will cause your lean muscle gains to skyrocket. Glutamine also helps your immune system, enhances growth hormone levels, and supplies nitrogen to the muscle. This means that glutamine will make other supplements, such as creatine and whey protein, more effective in producing lean muscle gains.

Recommended Dose: 5 grams upon awakening, 5 grams immediately post-workout, and 5 grams before bed.

Recommended Product: More Information

Fusion Bodybuilding Glutamend. Very pure, no fillers or sugar. Another great Canadian brand.

4.       Branch Chain Amino Acids (BCAA’s)

BCAA’s are another common supplement for athletes to consume to maximize workout results. The three amino acids that compose BCAA’s are leucine, isoleucine, and valine. These compose a huge percentage of skeletal muscle in the body. For those of you who don’t know, skeletal muscle is what we’re trying to increase while training. BCAA’s are essential for recovery, as they replenish the skeletal muscle that is broken down with intense physical activity. They can also help keep muscles fueled to improve endurance exercise.

Recommended Dose: 5 grams upon waking and 5 grams during or immediately post-workout.

Recommended Product: More information

Optimum Nutrition BCAA 5000 Powder. Brand is synonymous with quality products and this is no exception.

5.       Beta Alanine

Beta alanine is a beta amino acid that is naturally occurring, but is not found in high quantities in most foods. It enhances athletic performance because it decreases the acidic effects of lactic acid build up in our muscles during a workout. By blunting lactic acid, beta alanine helps to improve workout performance, increase endurance, and subsequently build lean muscle mass. Studies have suggested that beta alanine supplementation decreases perceptions of fatigue and increases total training volume in football players and other athletes.

Recommended Dose: To ensure the best dose and maximize the benefits of beta alanine supplementation, take 1.5-3 grams pre-workout. If you are an advanced lifter, an additional 1.5-3 grams post-workout may further aid in the recovery process. Beta alanine is common in pre-workout supplements, so pay attention to labels.

Recommended Product: More Information
Controlled Labs White Flood. A very potent and effective pre-workout product that not only is a good source of beta alanine, but also helps to boost energy and stamina to maximize your workouts.

There you have it, the 5 most effective supplements to help you achieve fast muscle gains. It is also extremely important for your diet to be specifically tailored towards your fitness goals. Your body will respond much better to weight training or aerobic training when you follow a proper diet high in protein, moderate in carbohydrates, and low in fats. Other important information on nutrition can be found on the nutrition page of this blog.

Thursday, 12 April 2012

Workout Plans: Arms 2

Who wants tickets to the gun show? According to Ron Burgundy, handing these out is the only way to bag a classy lady. Although we may not completely agree, it can’t hurt to have well developed triceps, biceps, and forearms, right? This workout will tone and build lean muscle mass onto your arms.

"1001, 1002, 1003,..." - a bit higher than conventional rep ranges

Warm up:
·         5 minutes on stationary bike, treadmill, or jump rope

Incline Dumbbell Curls
·         5 sets of 8-12 reps

Preacher Curls
·         5 sets of 8-12 reps

Barbell 21’s
·         3 sets

o   There are 3 steps to barbell 21’s:

1.       Start at bottom of range of motion, and come halfway up 7 times

2.       Start mid-way, and lift to the top of the range of motion without moving your upper arms, 7 times

3.       7 full reps

Lying Barbell Tricep Extensions (“Skullcrushers”)
·         5 sets of 8-12 reps

Cable Tricep Rope Pushdown
·         4 sets of 8-12 reps

superset with…

Overhead Cable Tricep Rope Extension
·         4 sets of 8-12 reps

Tricep Dips
·         3 sets to failure

Minimize rest time to 60-90 seconds in between sets, and 2 minutes in between exercises. As always, have a protein shake immediately post-workout to optimize protein synthesis. Good luck, have fun, and let us know what you think!

Friday, 6 April 2012

Workout Plans: Back 2

This workout is designed to fatigue every single muscle fiber in your back. It starts with exercises that work the upper back, and gradually moves downwards.

Try to increase the weight with each set, while maintaining perfect form. Keep the rest time in between sets to about 40-60 seconds.

Straight Arm Pulldown
·         4 sets of 8-12 reps

Wide Grip Lat Pulldown
·         4 sets of 8-12 reps

·         1 drop set – get 8-12 reps on the first set, reduce by 20% and go to failure 3 times

Bent Barbell Row
·         4 sets of 8-12 reps

·         1 drop set – get 8-12 reps on the first set, reduce by 20% and go to failure 3 times

One Arm Dumbbell Row
·         4 sets of 8-12 reps

·         4 sets of 6-10 reps

·         3 sets of 15 slow reps, 4 seconds up, 4 seconds down

·         Add weight if you find this is too easy

This is another tough workout, but if you stick with it, you will stimulate new growth throughout your back, which will contribute to your overall physique.

Good luck, have fun, and let us know how it goes by commenting on this board or on facebook or twitter! If you like this workout, subscribe to our emails and you'll get updates/workouts directly to your inbox.

Monday, 2 April 2012

Workout Plans: Chest 2

We’ve been getting very positive feedback from the workouts we have posted thus far. If you haven’t tried any of our previous workouts, visit our training page here.

This is an intense chest workout designed to build both size and strength. It can essentially be divided into two sections; presses and flyes.

Incline Barbell Bench Press

      ·         2 warm up sets of 15-20 reps

·         4 working sets of 8-12 reps
Dumbbell Bench Press

·         1 warm up set of 15-20 reps

·         3 working sets of 8-12 reps
Decline Barbell Bench Press

·         4 working sets of 8-12 reps

Incline Dumbbell Flyes

·         1 warm up set of 15-20 reps

·         3 working sets of 10-15 reps
Superset with…

Flat Dumbbell Flyes
      ·         1 warm up set of 15-20 reps

·         3 working sets of 10-15 reps
Cable Crossovers

·         8-12 reps from top cable position

·         6-10 reps from middle cable position (half way down rack)

·         That is one set, do 3

This is a very demanding workout. We recommend a pre-workout or intra-workout drink containing caffeine and BCAAs, as well as a post-workout recovery shake and lots of rest.

Have fun with this one, and as always, keep us posted on your progress by commenting on this board, or on our Facebook page or Twitter (see feed on right).